COVID-19 Policies and Updates

PUBLISHED 2/27/2021

COVID-19 has been a very stressful time for everyone around the globe. We wanted to take this opportunity to make sure our customers know that we are doing everything we can to keep them, and our team safe during these times. We have always took sanitization very serious given the amount of traffic that we see in and out of our store on a regular basis. With COVID-19 in our midst, we have been extra cautious and sanitizing all through-out the day. Commonly touched objects are being sanitized constantly for your protection, and the protection of our staff members.
We have ever changing temporary hours, so before coming by the store we strongly recommend you give us call at (323) 462-7558 to make sure we are here.


Before entering our establishment, we ask you to understand that you are required to wear a mask correctly (covering mouth and nose).

If you do not have a mask on, you will not be allowed to enter the store.

In addition, we require you to wear a mask when doing curb-side pick-up orders. No exceptions.

We would also like to remind you when entering the store you must maintain a 6-foot-social distance between you and anyone else in the store, including but not limited to staff members.


We currently offer online shopping, curbside pick-up, and in-store shopping. Curbside pick-up can be done through the phone or online. When doing curbside pick-up orders we require you bring your ID and print/date/sign our log in order to prevent fraudulent activity.


We are still actively fulfilling online orders during this time. We ask that you please be patient and understanding with delayed shipping times. COVID-19 has caused global shipping delays that are out of our control, and out of the control of USPS.